Here are several descriptive phrases of the setting I'm currently working on:
Exploration and (re)discovery
Magic, technology, and science
Post-cataclysm era
Fantasy themes using different mythologies
Multiple planetary system (not Sol)
I have some vacation time coming up, and I'm hoping to get some work done during that time.
Although I'm not a Project Coordinator, I do see the need for a project plan to keep things on track. It helps to establish project milestones, and track what you've accomplished, as well as slippage and what needs attention. I used to be a bit of a procrastinator, and it still rears its head once in a while, so anything that keeps me focused is a welcome addition.
I'd like to accomplish a few things before the end of the year, so I can have a smooth transition and keep moving forward. I continue to write as much as time allows, even if it's just a sentence to two. I've also started collecting various images for inspiration, and examples of art I'd like to incorporate in the book. I'm a visual person, so this helps me in many ways.
So, short an sweet for an update. Hopefully you're enjoying the peak behind the curtain thus far. Feel free to post below, and share your thoughts! :)